Welcome to DEPS’s documentation 1.0 !
DEPS is a powerful problem modeling language designed to pose and solve system design problems with DEPS Studio IDE. DEPS addresses problems of sizing, configuration, resource allocation and of architecture generation for systems. It is a native language, declarative, structured and property based, offering the possibility to describe an ontology of physical quantities and enabling the representation of variables and properties in discrete and continuous domains.
- Some key features of DEPS:
A language, not a library: No need to know any programming language.
A pure problem modeling language, not a programming language.
A declarative language in which the problem is expressed, not the way to solve it.
A high level structure and property based language and not a flat modeling language.
A capability of using physical quantities, not numerical representations.
A guaranted mix solver for generating one or several admissible or optimal solutions.
This documentation is constantly evolving
- This documentation is structured in three main parts:
The DEPS tutorial where you can learn how to use DEPS and DEPS Studio through a progressive example.
The DEPS reference manual where you can fin the description of the features of the language.
The DEPS Studio user manual where you can find a description of the main functionalities of the IDE.
A set of Examples and References are added to this documentation to go deeper inside DEPS language.
- DEPS Tutorial
- Building a first flat problem
- Using models
- Using model hierarchies
- Factoring expressions
- Serial circuit problem
- A more complicated problem: serial and parallel circuit
- A final well structured problem: the Wheatstone bridge
- Modelling and using a catalogue of possible batteries
- Modeling an electrical non-linear problem
- Minimizing an objective
- Connecting the components together
- Modeling a nary node
- To go further with DEPS
- DEPS Reference Manual
- DEPS Studio user manual
- Examples
- References